December 25, 2013

#8 Silence

“Why are we embarrassed by silence? What comfort do we find in all the noise?” -Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie...
December 03, 2013

Chat Thai

I've been looking forward to try this thai restaurant so much after reading so much good reviews from the food bloggers online. Finally got the chance to try it with my friend yesterday during lunch but sadly the mango sticky rice is only available for dinner :(  As usual, we ordered TOO MUCH coz everything seems appealing to us, lol! Anyway, we ordered green papaya salad, fresh spring rolls,...
December 01, 2013

#7 Fit In

I might appear confident and chatty, but I spend most of my time laughing at jokes I don’t find funny, saying things I don’t really mean - because at the end of the day that’s what we’re all trying to do: fit in, one way or another, desperately trying to pretend we’re all the same. -Tabitha Suzuma&nbs...
November 24, 2013


Love my buy yesterday at Lovisa! Just knew about this brand yesterday and i couldn't resist to buy all these lovely little things back! I think i'm a little bit obsessed with rings recently..hehe! Anyway, aren't they pretty? ...
November 21, 2013

#6 3.34am

Someone once told me that human beings have three dimensions: how you see yourself, how others see you, and how you want others to see you. The closer the distance between the three dimensions, the more at peace you are and the more stable you become. -Marwa Rakha (The Poison Tre...
November 14, 2013


最繁華的城市為何帶來最寂寞的北極熊  最純潔的孩子如何走過最骯髒的垃圾場 最混亂的回憶永遠讓我想起最專注的一剎那  最醜陋的世界偶然讓我看到最美麗的一首詩 原來最暗的天空總有最閃爍的星星  為喚不回的 為做不到的 為還在活的我和你  原來最大的懷疑總有最渺小的自己 向蝴蝶知更 向肉體靈魂 向芸芸眾生  我該說感謝 還是對不起 最暴烈的流徙難道為了成就最温柔的小團圓  最簡單的渴望從來不想證明最荒謬的大時代 原來最暗的天空總有最閃爍的星星  為受過傷的 為犯過錯的 為還在活的我和你  原來最大的懷疑總有最渺小的自己 向黄土灰塵 向肉體靈魂 向芸芸眾生  我該說感謝 還是對不起 宇宙洪荒再沈默總有最閃爍的星星 某一天消失 某一天誕生 有一天寬恕我和你 原來最大的懷疑總有最渺小的自己 向恩怨愛恨...
November 13, 2013

Throwback #3

Just had my 1st paper yesterday and i don't really know what to say about it. First half of the paper was so easy that i can't believe i spent so much time memorizing on that part. But the 2nd part of the paper was extremely hard that i kind of afraid that i can't pass this module T.T Ok, i got really bored with the mugging so i decided to blog! Hehe!  I still remember the days i met up with...
November 10, 2013

#5 Why

You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too. -William Shakespeare * Ok, i chanced upon this chinese translation from weibo and i'm really amazed by it! Here...
November 05, 2013

I love aglio olio

The only reason I learn how to cook aglio olio is just because i miss Peperoni aglio olio too much after i came here. Aglio olio is the pasta that we ALWAYS eat for free when i worked there last time, it was so good that i dun think i will ever get sick by eating that most of the time :p  Anyway, aglio olio is quite easy to cook actually. Found this recipe online which is pretty simple!...
November 03, 2013

#4 Define love

If I could hold your heart I would keep it safe. Even when I trip and fall, and even when I break down, I would hold your heart close to mine, so it doesn't see the same damage. When I bruise my knees and scrape my palms you’ll never have to fear, and even if I cry, I promise, you won’t need to shed a tear. Love is everlasting. Loyalty is intertwined with faith. As long as you want me I will be...
November 02, 2013


It's really good to have no alarm snoozing on a lazy saturday and i can just wake up anytime i like. Made myself a simple cheese, ham and egg sandwich for brunch. All you need is just bread, egg, cheese and ham! I always prefer wholemeal bread than white bread, i dunno why but i guess i just love the texture of the wholemeal bread, hehe! This is super easy to make and I love how the egg just...
November 01, 2013

Throwback #2

In case you are wondering why am I doing a throwback, read here! :p Today's throwback will be the b'day surprise back in 2011 that Afrans did for me when we were rushing our fyp that time. Maybe i should just talk about Afrans for a bit, lol! Afrans is our fyp team's name and it was formed by a letter from each of our names. A is for Anelie, f is for Fish, r is for Rongrong, a again is for Aisyah,...
October 30, 2013

Throwback #1

I was trying to clear some unwanted files in my computer yesterday and end up looking through all the old pictures that i saved in my computer. Feel so nostalgia just by browsing through all the old photos so i decided to do some throwback posts here, lol! Throwback #1- My convent girls :) These 4 girls are my BEST friends during secondary school. How i miss the time we  skipped...
October 29, 2013

#3 Doubt

We assume others show love the same way we do - and if they don’t, we worry it’s not there. Text source: Tumblr ...
October 26, 2013

Pasta for dinner

Just another lazy night with this kind of simple dinner, lol! Pasta is always one of my favorite food! Been cooking quite often since I came here. And I guess the toppings for my pasta is ALWAYS the same..mushroom and sausage (or bacon, sometimes!) Speaking of pasta, I miss Peperoni's aglio olio so much, oh squid ink and vongole as well!! *forever hungr...
October 25, 2013

#2 Drift away

I didn't intentionally do it but it just kinda happened. I lost communication with certain friends, and I became more independent. I’m just trying to look out for myself now. Trying to not get attached to certain people because it might hurt me in the future. Sure life’s about taking risks but there’s also a point in life where you get tired of getting hurt. Tired of trying. Just tired of everything....
October 24, 2013


你微笑 不代表你想擁抱 你的擁抱 不代表一切美好 如果說夢想是一個氣泡 至少我能夠 觸摸得到 我眼睛看不見你的需要 你的耳朵 聽不到我的祈禱 如果說天氣都難以預告 愛情的痕跡 往哪裡找 我要對你多好 你要愛我多少 有甚麼重要 也許答案得走過天涯海角 最後才知道 聽得見你心在跳 最重要 心在跳-金...
October 23, 2013

The beauty of art

Go into the arts. I’m not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow , for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward....
October 22, 2013

#1 Afraid to love

Through the years you learn so much. You learn nothing lasts forever, and to appreciate people as often as possible because they could be gone in a second. You learn that sometimes it takes a few heart breaks to be happy. You realize that losing someone isn't the end of the world although the pain in your chest says other wise. And you learn that sometimes those movies where the girl has to watch...

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