I might appear confident and chatty, but I spend most of my time laughing at jokes I don’t find funny, saying things I don’t really mean - because at the end of the day that’s what we’re all trying to do: fit in, one way or another, desperately trying to pretend we’re all the same.
#11 Let it go
Sometimes love just isn't enough. sometimes we have to let go of something that once meant the world to us. not because we want to. but because we have to. but life will keep go…Read More
#10 x
Memories and thoughts age, just as people do. But certain thoughts can never age, and certain memories can never fade.
Text source: Tumblr
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#9 Don't be afraid to make mistakes
I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.
Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourse…Read More
Hello there! Im just a typical Aquarius girl who love sharing a little bit of everything, hope you guys enjoy reading my blog! :) *All photos uploaded in this space were taken by me using Panasonic Lumix GF6/ iPhone 7 or XS unless stated otherwise.
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