June 08, 2016

Taiwan 2015 Day Two - Taichung

After much procrastination, im finally here to update our taiwan trip last year..opps! And im flying to Taiwan again this Friday coz of my sis grad..lol!! Day 2 was basically tour around the places in Taichung and we hired a driver to bring us around, can't remember the total price but i think it's around 3500NT per day, 10 hours maximum. We woke up super early that day and have a simple breakfast below our airbnb while waiting for the driver to arrive.

Our first stop is the Rainbow Military Dependents’ Village (彩虹眷村), the whole area is full with colorful and bright paintings on the wall, which was all painted by a veteran, Mr. Huang. The village should have been torn down years ago due to the government program to demolish and replace military dependents' village throughout Taiwan. However, this village has become so popular from all these paintings which attract more and more tourist. Eventually it has became one of the tourist attractions in Taichung and the government was forced to preserve this village. You will spot someone in iron man mask performing music there if you go at the right time, he was really friendly and fun! He even instructed us to pose for the picture and took our camera to selfie..lol! We spent around 20-30 mins there taking photos and off we went to our next destination - Sun Moon Lake and Qingjing.

One of the key attraction in Sun Moon Lake is the Ropeway Cable Car, we bought the round trip ticket (around $10) and i think there's some free coupons for us to purchase food at the top. The view was nice but i honestly felt that it's kinda boring actually..lol! There's this Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village Theme Park at the end station but we didn't visit due to time constraint. The driver then recommended us to take a walk at the Itashao market street where we chanced upon this famous fried bun stall! The bun is filled with cabbage and mushroom, fried on the spot and you have to help yourself with the packing and paying, all self service XD The stall owner was so funny, he even posed for me and ask me to take his picture with the signboard behind..lol! Must try ok! It's really good especially when eat it hot!

Our last destination is the Qingjing farm and the journey from Sun Moon Lake was really really long..luckily we still manage to catch the last sheep show at Green Green Grasslands. The sheep show is only available on weekends and public holiday. The venue was already full of visitors when we reached and the crowd is really no joke, we had a really hard time finding a good viewing spot..lol! The sheep was then released after the show to allow the visitors to interact with them, we have waited so long for this..lol! We bought some sheep feed at the vending machine and start to spam photos with the sheep XD It was extremely hard to take photo with the sheep, we tried so many times and take countless shot and only manage to get some decent one. Well..just look at the selfie that I took with the sheep..it totally nailed the 不屑 face man..hahaha!

We went to the Small Swiss Garden to take some pictures before we left Qingjing. The place is kinda boring in my opinion so we just took some shots and went back to Taichung. The highlight of that day has got to be the Monster shaved ice that we had that night, click here to read! :)

Stay tuned for the update..which I hope it won't be too long..lol!

Meanwhile, please watch our Day 1 & Day 2 Taiwan trip vlog below! Watch in HD ;)

To Be Continued..

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