August 10, 2015

Sea & Saw by The Roost (Revisit)

*Watch in HD ;) Revisit Sea & Saw with Joanne couple weeks ago for early dinner because I wanted to try the other items on their menu (the food i had during my 1st visit was not satisfying :x). We reached there around 5 plus and the place was already filled with patrons but lucky us got seated in less than 5 mins..hehe! We ordered a katsuoboshi fries, soy balsamic...
August 07, 2015

Sea & Saw by The Roost

"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come"-Sea & Saw  Sea & Saw has became the latest hit in JB cafe hopping i guess, lots of pictures and check in of this place are on facebook and instagram! The person behind Sea & Saw is the founder and friends of Roost Cafe and Roost Repurposed & Recycled...

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