January 01, 2015

Hello 2015

"Life is full of hardships but it is how you deal with them that will, in the end, define you."

I can say that 2014 was not a very great year for me, it seemed so long yet so fast to end. I came back from Aussie after my exchange and realize part of my life have changed. So many things happened and I don't think I prepared myself enough for all these unexpected incidents. That being said, I am still grateful that all these happened, be it bitter or sweet. And I am really thankful to those who are still staying by my side.

There were so many times that I questioned myself what did i do wrong, what have i done to deserve/not deserve like this but i realized the best thing i can do is just forget and forgive. It was hard but at least i tried. There are questions i'm still not wise enough to answer, but wise enough to no longer ask.

I'm not going to do any 35984565 resolutions this year, i will only work harder to become a better person, to myself, to the loved ones, to everyone that matters.

Happy New Year everyone and may we all have a great year ahead :)

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