We are torn between nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known.
#4 Define love
If I could hold your heart I would keep it safe. Even when I trip and fall, and even when I break down, I would hold your heart close to mine, so it doesn't see the same damage.…Read More
#2 Drift away
I didn't intentionally do it but it just kinda happened. I lost communication with certain friends, and I became more independent. I’m just trying to look out for myself now. Tr…Read More
#3 Doubt
We assume others show love the same way we do - and if they don’t, we worry it’s not there.
Text source: Tumblr
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Hello there! Im just a typical Aquarius girl who love sharing a little bit of everything, hope you guys enjoy reading my blog! :) *All photos uploaded in this space were taken by me using Panasonic Lumix GF6/ iPhone 7 or XS unless stated otherwise.
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