Sometimes love just isn't enough. sometimes we have to let go of something that once meant the world to us. not because we want to. but because we have to. but life will keep going with or without them. life doesn't stop for you, or for anyone else. life is life. it’s hard, but there are those amazing moments that make you who you are. don’t sit around crying when you let someone go. someday you’ll be okay again. promise.
#21 How would you want to be loved?
Photo taken by S.W using olympus em10
“I want someone who will treat me like their favorite book and book character.
Someone who will sit down with me over tea or coffee with …Read More
#23 That's Okay My Dear
The fact that you’re struggling doesn’t make you a burden.It doesn’t make you unloveable or undesirable or undeserving of care.It doesn’t make you too much or too sensitive or…Read More
#20 Someday
“I think that when enough time has passed, when you’ve survived that which you didn’t imagine you could, there’s a dignity in that. Something you can own. A pride in knowing the…Read More
Hello there! Im just a typical Aquarius girl who love sharing a little bit of everything, hope you guys enjoy reading my blog! :) *All photos uploaded in this space were taken by me using Panasonic Lumix GF6/ iPhone 7 or XS unless stated otherwise.
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