July 12, 2017

#25 What true love will teach you about you.

Chanced upon this article from my ex co-worker's facebook, not only applicable to those who are married, a good read for those in relationship too! :) //// Marriage Isn't About Your Happiness Did you ever think someone could show you love through a bologna sandwich? I didn’t think so either. Until I found out that my then-boyfriend-now-husband (a poor, broke, medical school student at...
July 06, 2017

Bangkok 2016 - The Commons // Roast

theCOMMONS is known as 'Thonglor’s backyard', a place where everyone can spend quality time in the neighborhood while being a little closer to nature. It's opened by the people behind Roast, which was relocated here from Seenspace. (Read my 1st visit here!) The space is divided into 4 sections with different names which are Market, Village, Play Yard and Top Yard. We...

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